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  • Car Lockouts

    Click on the City to find the total price. Call: 503 734-8550

  • Car Lockouts

    Click on the City to find the total price. Call: 503 734-8550.

  • Car Lockouts

    Click on the City to find the total price. Call: 503 734-8550

  • Car Lockouts

    Click on the City to find the total price. Call: 503 734-8550

  • Car Lockouts

    Click on the City to find the total price. Call: 503 734-8550

Mark's Auto Lockout Services


If you're looking for a cost-effective solution to retrieve your keys from a locked car, consider these options:

1. DIY Unlocking Methods

  • Use a Coat Hanger or Slim Jim: If your car has manual locks, you can try using a wire coat hanger or a slim jim to unlock the door. Be careful not to damage the car’s internal wiring or weather stripping.
  • Use a Shoelace: If your car has vertical locks (the kind that pops up), you can try using a shoelace with a loop tied in it to hook the lock and pull it up.
  • Try a Wedge and Rod: You can use a wedge to slightly open the top of the door and then insert a long, thin rod to press the unlock button. You can find kits online, or use makeshift tools like a wooden wedge and a metal rod or hanger.

2. Check for Spare Keys

  • Nearby Spare Key: If you have a spare key at home or with a friend, see if someone can bring it to you. This is the simplest and cheapest solution.

3. Use Your Car’s Smartphone App

  • Remote Unlock Feature: If your car is equipped with a remote unlock feature through a smartphone app (e.g., OnStar, myChevrolet, FordPass), use it to unlock the door.

4. Call Roadside Assistance

  • Insurance or Membership: If you have roadside assistance through your car insurance, credit card, or a service like AAA, they usually cover lockouts. This service might already be included in your plan, so there might be no extra cost.

5. Call a Local Locksmith

  • Get Quotes: Call a few local locksmiths to compare prices. Some locksmiths may offer discounts or charge less for basic lockouts. The cost typically ranges from $50 to $150.
  • Avoid After-Hours: If possible, wait until normal business hours to avoid extra fees for after-hours service.

6. Ask for Help from a Nearby Business

  • Nearby Help: Some businesses, especially auto shops, may have tools or know someone who can help you unlock the car at a lower cost.

7. Avoid Breaking the Window

  • Last Resort: Breaking a window should be a last resort due to the high cost of repairs. It's also risky and can be dangerous.

By exploring these cost-effective options, you can hopefully resolve the situation without spending too much money.